About Us


Here at MG MUSIC SCHOOL, each student is special, and encouraged to reach their full personal potential. We take pride in supporting our students through every facet of their musical journey, and strive to provide for their emotional & physical needs.

We specialise in starting children very young, depending on their personal development & maturity. Children as young as 3 or 4 years can begin piano lessons. Our goal is then to get the student to university level by the time they finish matric, so that they can have the choice of either making music their career, or of adding music into their chosen university degree.

Lessons take place on an individual, personal basis – there are no pre-recorded lessons. The syllabus covers all aspects of musical development, with a focus on classical performance. This lays a solid foundation in technique & musical understanding, which the student can then apply to any other genre that they wish to explore.

Students learn much from exposure to other students’ performances, so our students are expected to participate in concerts, festivals & exams throughout the year. After all, why learn music if you never share it with anyone?

As a registered member of the South African Society of Music Teachers (SASMT), MG Music School provides professional and progressive tuition using a stimulating and well-rounded syllabus.

We believe that talent is relative – with hard work, any student can show talent. The only limitations are set by the student themselves.

The recorder is a fully fledged musical instrument, which can be studied in University and beyond. When properly taught, it is NOT the annoying toy that most people are acquainted with. It is a very affordable option for those who cannot afford an acoustic piano.

Contact us today to book your interview – tap into this wealth of potential that every student possesses 🎶

Composed by Melissa Greyvenstein, with love to past and present students
Rather pertinent to 2020, wouldn’t you say…
“No one to talk with
All by myself
No one to walk with
But I’m happy on the shelf
Ain’t misbehavin’
I’m savin’ my love for you”
– Ain’t Misbehavin’ – Fats Waller 1943